Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Houston we have a name...

Well loved one's we have chosen a name, but are keeping to to ourselves until she born. Let the suspense begin...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's a GIRL!

Hello Family and Friends,

We finally know the sex of our little chicken nugget. It's a girl, a little lady and we couldn't be more excited! Both nick and I secretly had a subconscious feeling it was a girl and we were right. Sorry poll users, you guessed wrong, no boys this time. Don't feel bad for Daddy though he is excited and glowing to have a Daddy's girl on the way. Now we just need to agree on a name, for now we know she will share the same middle name as her Marmi (aka Becci Larson) and Mommy's, Lynn. As for a first name...well your guess is as good as ours. Love you all!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well unfortunately we still don't know the sex of our little nugget. Due to a change in the insurance we have with Nick's new job, we have to wait until September 1st for the sonogram. No worries though the last appointment I had shows the baby is healthy and growing big. Mommy is also doing well even though her weight seems a little eye boggling the doctor has re-assured her that all is normal. So sorry no news yet, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

20 Weeks

20 weeks and five days away from finding out our little chicken nuggets sex. Yes that is right, finally on the 14th of August we will find out whether it will be a boy or a girl. We are really excited! As for the whole moving issue... we are settled in and mostly unpacked, what we didn't want to deal with is in boxes in the basement. Nick starts school on the 12th and will be in charge of about 69 young minds this year. Over all everything is going well. We miss all of our friends in Florida, but are meeting lots of nice people here as well.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We are here in Indiana now. The move went very smooth and a big thanks goes to sis Liv and brother Zac for helping every step of the way! We found a cute little town home and are pretty much moved in... I still can't decide which is worse packing or unpacking. We had an appointment for the baby right before we left and everything is wonderful, good heart beat and growing at a happy rate. Plus, on our next appointment we get to find out the SEX! Yeah! we will let everyone know in about two to three weeks! Love you all and thanks for your blessings on our move.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Moving Up to the North!

Yes we are once again packing up all of our belongings and heading out! Nick has accepted a job in Indianapolis, Indiana as a culinary instructor for the same high school he attended, Ben Davis High School. We are both excited and nervous. It is bitter sweet, even though we love Florida and the house we have here, a job that offers a normal lifestyle and a chance to live near loving family is too good to pass up. We will most definitely miss all of the friends we have made so quickly here, but look forward to new adventures like four seasons, having our first baby in the same state/city where Nick was born and hopefully planting some roots of our own finally! We will keep everyone up to date on our new address and the move up North. Our launch date is July 23! Hoosiers beware the Mayes Family is headed your way! The picture to the left is Nick and a co-worker at The Taste of Elegance, 2008 Las Vegas. He won 2nd place for his awesome use of pork belly and scallops! Yummy!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vote for Baby Mayes

Hey everyone don't for get to take part in the poll at the bottom of the page. We are dying to see how many of you think it's a boy and how many of you think it's a girl. Nick is hoping for some more testosterone in our house(apparently being surrounded by a wife, two female dogs, one female cat and a neutered male cat has left Nick feeling a little deprived). As long as it isn't an actual chicken nugget I am sure we will both love it to bits!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yea!!! We are having a baby. Baby Mayes a.k.a. chicken nugget, is due Dec. 26, 2009. We are setting up a blog because our family is spead all over the U.S. Hope you enjoy the pictures, thoughts and overall being a part of our growing baby. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and comments. We love you!